Mexican Eating Habits.
The People of Mexican eat spicy food for example enchiladas , chilaquiles and Mole.In mexico is very typical eating tamales in the morning. my favorite mexican food is Pozole and drink soda because is very delicious , spicy and you can eat this with your family.
In mexico is typical in the parties eating barbacoa and rice I think it's very delicious and I really like to eat that food
You can learn more about Mexican food watching the video I recommend it a lot, I hope you like it ⏬⏬
- I learning about mexican gastronomy because is very delicious and interesting
- this useful know more about mexican food
- I needed know more vocabulary because i am dont specific
- This is easy because is food
Very interesting friend, I will continue reading your blog
ResponderBorrarYour blogger is good
ResponderBorrarI like pozole a lot too.
And the video I like it and now I what to eat 🤭😁
It's a good blog because I think that the Mexican food is an important part of Mexican traditions.
ResponderBorrarThe mexican food is so good. I liked your blog 🌮🌯👍🏻
ResponderBorrarI liked the blog but I disagree with the first part, not all the Mexicans eat spicy food, I prefer sweets.
ResponderBorrarI really like your blog, I love it pozole.
ResponderBorrarI also like the pozole and more if this spicy, although I do not drink coke